We BELIEVE we are CHILDREN OF GOD – marked with His sign of love – the cross.

“You are a child of God. You are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in His sight.” Psalm 139

We ACHIEVE as the CHILDREN OF GOD – by following His guiding light, Jesus.

“All things are possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

We SERVE as the CHILDREN OF GOD, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 

“We love because He first Loved us”

1 John 4:19 

In our school we:

  • Know that we are all uniquely created and loved by God and precious in His eyes
  • Nurture an understanding of our Gospel values and know that the way of Jesus shapes everything we think, say and do
  • Are joyful because we know Christ, Love Him and tell others about Him 
  • Give thanks with hearts full of gratitude to God  for who we are and all that we have.
In our school we:

  • Learn without limits and embrace new opportunities in order to aspire to be the best we can be
  • Believe in our own abilities and have the confidence and faith to know that all things are possible because we are children of God
  • Nurture patience, growth and kindness, in ourselves and others
  • Recognise and encourage individual gifts and talents and welcome every opportunity to share them with others.
In our school we:

  • Enjoy relationships that are rooted in love, trust and mutual respect
  • Demonstrate generosity for and appreciation of the planet and its people
  • Seek to work in partnership with others and recognise that we are happiest when we are united
  • Answer God’s call to be stewards of His earth and work towards goals for the common good
  • Know we belong to each other and work together to bring peace, acceptance and understanding.