The Pupil Premium is additional finance given to publicly funded schools in England targeted specifically to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. The Pupil Premium is additional finance given to publicly funded schools in England targeted specifically to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
At St Bede’s, in order to close the gap, pupils’ specific needs are identified promptly through: constant communication in school; progress meetings with leaders/teachers and rigorous data tracking systems. Progress is monitored and, through moderation and evaluation, amendments are made to support the child’s learning. Finding the “barrier to learning” and removing it with effective Teaching & Learning and Assessment, is crucial here to enable children to reach their potential and more.
Provision in school is carefully mapped to ensure we can accurately report our policy and spending, agencies contacted where needed; pastoral care organised; timely interventions catered for; extended school activities and school trips supported. The child and its family are at the centre of our planning for pupil premium. We never confuse eligibility for pupil premium with low ability. Pupil Premium is used to support our disadvantaged pupils to achieve their highest levels. We use achievement data and professional dialogue regularly to check whether interventions or strategies are working and amend where needed, and constantly and rigorously measure the impact to learning.
The school ensures all staff are aware of the pupils eligible for Pupil Premium and they then can take responsibility for their progress.