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Religious Education

As a Catholic School, religion is not just another subject in the curriculum but is a way of life. It permeates all our relationships, activities and every aspect of school life.

Our aim is to immerse our children in the joys and demands of the Catholic Faith throughout all of our values and philosophies at St Bede’s. Religious Education is at the centre of everything we do and enriches our learning and interactions with others. Through the Religious Education curriculum, our children deepen their knowledge and understanding of scripture and Christian teaching, as well as developing their character traits of patience, compassion and resilience.

Our ultimate aim is that our children come to know Jesus better
and continue throughout their lives safe in the knowledge of God’s unbroken love for them.

We use ‘Come and See’ a scheme recommended by the Bishops’ Conference.

It is rooted in three aspects: teaching, worship and moral values. We will use the liturgical year as a framework in which these elements will be taught, experienced, explored and celebrated.

Underlying our teaching and our relationships are the Gospel Values of honesty and humility, justice and mercy. Our aim, within this context, is that all members of our community show respect and care for one another and extend their concern to the needy by prayer and charitable service.

Parents have a right to withdraw their child from all parts of the religious education and/or collective worship. However, given the importance of RE and Collective Worship in our school, parents and prospective parents need to be aware that it can never be confined to “timetabled slots” but may take place throughout the day in a variety of contexts other than those which are specifically structured.