The school and parish of St. Bede’s work together to prepare our children in Year 4 and above to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
To support our children with their preparation we follow the ‘I Belong’ programme of study. They work through a chapter of the book each week in school, with their catechists, they then complete tasks linked to their learning at home with parents and guardians.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated within school and First Holy Communion is celebrated at church with the parish community.
The themes covered in the ‘I Belong’ programme of study follow the framework of the Mass and are as follows:
In the name of the Father (Introductory Rites)
Lord have mercy (Penitential Act)
Celebrating our rescue (Reconciliation)
God helps me to get it right (Reconciliation)
Glory to God in the highest
The word of the Lord (Liturgy of the word)
Bread to offer (Liturgy of the Eucharist)
Fruit of the vine
Do this in memory of me
Body of Christ
To love and serve (Concluding Rites)