I have come that they might have life and have it to the full. John 10:10


At St Bede’s Catholic Primary School we offer our pupils a broad, rich and inclusive approach to learning so that they can fully experience the joys of childhood, develop a lifelong love of learning and discover all that is extraordinary about themselves, the planet and the people that inhabit it. 

Our mission ‘To believe, achieve and serve’ is at the heart of all our endeavours and our curriculum reflects our belief that we are all part of God’s plan for creation with our own unique gifts and talents and that we each have an important contribution to make. Through our curriculum, and indeed all aspects of school life, we want to help our pupils to answer God’s call to be stewards of His earth and work towards goals for the common good.

Inspired by our patron saint, St Bede the Scholar, our knowledge rich curriculum has been designed to be creative, well-connected and progressive to enable all pupils to grow intellectually, spiritually and emotionally with a strong sense of who they are and how they can positively contribute to the world around them, both in the present and in the future. 

We have a dedicated and hardworking staff team who have the pupils at the heart of all they do and they contribute to make our school a happy, safe and welcoming place to learn. Our pupils are met with high expectations and enthusiastically welcome challenges and new opportunities. 

We are very proud of our school and our pupils. All members of the school community work closely together; the positive support of our parents and the wider community is extremely important and we seek to work in partnership at every opportunity. We would actively encourage you to make an appointment to  visit our school and see for yourself what a special place St Bede’s is. 

Ms. L Smith
